翁雨澄 肛交 这像片让东谈主胆寒!加勒比海被塑料垃圾“生坑”

发布日期:2024-10-08 05:21    点击次数:213

翁雨澄 肛交 这像片让东谈主胆寒!加勒比海被塑料垃圾“生坑”

又名照相师日前在加勒比海拍下了一组令东谈主胆寒的像片翁雨澄 肛交,像片上本该浮现的海洋名义密密匝匝地铺满了多样塑料垃圾,无垠无涯,船开了八千米才把这个“垃圾岛”甩在背面。海洋中的塑料比鱼还多,这句话还真不是骇东谈主视听。


A photographer has captured the damage being done to the planet's oceans with a shocking “sea of plastic and styrofoam” image taken near a tranquil Caribbean island. 又名照相师在宁静的加勒比海岛隔壁拍下了“被塑料和泡沫聚苯乙烯笼罩的海洋”像片,这一令东谈主胆寒的像片揭露了地球上的海洋所碰到的破损。

Caroline Power, the photographer, said witnessing the plastic blanket of forks, bottles and rubbish between the islands Roatan and Cayos Cochinos, off the coast of Honduras, was “devastating”. 照相师卡洛琳•鲍尔暗意,目击成片的叉子、瓶罐等塑料垃圾荡漾在洪齐拉斯海岸隔壁的罗阿坦岛和科奇诺斯群岛之间,让东谈主“崩溃”。

“To see something that I care so deeply for being killed, slowly choked to death by human waste was devastating,” she told The Telegraph. 她告诉《逐日电讯报》说:“看见我如斯爱重的海洋被罢休,在东谈主类垃圾的掩埋下缓缓窒息,确凿很崩溃。”

“Once the trash is in the ocean, it is incredibly difficult and costly to remove. The key is to stop the trash before it enters the ocean. “一朝垃圾到了海洋中,要移除它们就变得很贫窭也很花钱。贬贬抑题的关节即是阻难垃圾参加海洋。”

The worst of the rubbish the dive team found was about 15 miles off the coast of Roatan heading towards the Cayos Cochinos Marine Reserve. 潜水队发现的垃圾最多的地点在科奇诺斯群岛海洋保护区标的,距离罗阿坦岛海滩15英里处。

“We were on a dive trip to a set of islands that don't quite break the ocean surface. They are one of the most pristine dive sites in this part of the Caribbean,” Ms Power recalled. 鲍尔女士回忆说:“其时咱们正要到海底连结的几个岛屿去潜水。那块区域是加勒比海这一带最原生态的潜水区。”

“The photo of the diver in the water was actually over one of these seamounts. To see an area that is supposed to be pristine covered in garbage and trash was disheartening.” “潜水员在水下的这张像片本色上是在其中一座海底山上拍的。看到蓝本应该迥殊纯洁的海水名义铺满了垃圾,真让东谈主黯然。”


She said they passed through floating garbage for “nearly five miles”, adding: “Everywhere we looked, plastic bags of all shapes and sizes: chip bags, ziplocks, grocery, trash, snack bags, other packaging. Some were whole and the rest were just pieces. Sadly, many turtles, fish, whales, and seabirds will mistake those bits of plastic for food. 她说,他们的船草率开了“五英里”(八千米)才游过了这片荡漾的垃圾,还补充说:“目及之处,完全是多样体式和大小的塑料袋:薯片包装袋、自命袋、食物袋、垃圾袋、零食袋,还有其他多样包装袋。有些塑料袋是好意思满的,其余的仅仅碎屑。可悲的是,好多海龟、鱼、鲸和海鸟会把这些塑料碎屑误看成念食物。”

“We then reached an area about two miles wide that had multiple trash lines that stretched from horizon to horizon. “自后咱们到了一个地点,草率有两英里宽,那儿一溜排的垃圾无垠无涯。”

“There was also a seemingly infinite number of plastic forks, spoons, drink bottles, and plates. There were broken soccer balls, toothbrushes, a tv, and so many shoes and flip flops.” “还有看上去用之不断的塑料叉子、勺子、饮料瓶和盘子。破足球、牙刷、一个电视机,还有许许多多的鞋子和拖鞋。”

Blue Planet Society, an organisation campaigning to end overfishing and the overexploitation of the world’s ocean, believes the rubbish originated from the Motagua River in Guatemala, washing into the sea during heavy rains. 奋力于拆伙海洋过度捕捞和过度开辟的组织蓝色星球协会合计,这些垃圾来自危地马拉的莫塔瓜河,是被暴雨冲进海洋的。

They said the images were “unbelievable”, adding: “We see a lot of shocking images of environmental destruction. This is right up there with the worst. 他们暗意,这些像片“让东谈主难以置信”,还说:“咱们看过好多令东谈主胆寒的对于环境破损的像片。咫尺的这个是最糟的。”

“Trash from Motagua River in Guatemala polluting Honduras coast has been an issue in region for some time.” “危地马拉莫塔瓜河的垃圾抵制洪齐拉斯海岸的问题如故困扰该地区有一段时候了。”

Ms Power adds, “There is a lack of infrastructure and education, so many people either burn trash or throw it into rivers”. 鲍尔女士说:“这一地区枯竭基础才调开辟息争释,好多东谈主齐是把垃圾烧掉或者扔进河里。”

Conservationists Oceana Europe said the photos had left them “shocked, sad and angry, but not surprised”. 欧洲海洋保护组织说,这些像片让他们“升沉、缅怀和不满,但并不骇怪。”

They added: “If we don’t change our behaviour now, we’re going to have more plastic than fish in the ocean.” 他们补充说:“如若咱们不从当今运转改革咱们的步履,海洋里的塑料将会比鱼还多。”

Ms Power says she hopes her photos will encourage others to “make changes to their habits and daily lives to help protect and conserve this planet”. 鲍尔女士说,她但愿她的像片能饱读动他东谈主“改革民俗和遍及生计,匡助保护这个星球。”


300 million - tons of plastic produced globally each year 3亿:每年公共产生的塑料吨数

12 percent - amount of plastic which is recycled 12%:被轮回哄骗的塑料占比

Five trillion - number of pieces of microplastic in ocean, with one rubbish truck load added each minute 5万亿:海洋中塑料微粒片数,以每分钟一卡车的数目增长

11,000 - number of pieces of microplastic ingested by humans each year from seafood 1.1万:每年东谈主类通过吃海鲜摄入的塑料微粒片数

780,000 - number of microplastics humans will ingest by the end of the century if trends continue 78万:如若趋势不变,到本世纪末东谈主类将摄入的塑料微粒片数


6 billion - estimated number of bags removed from circulation annually at last count 60亿:左证最新统计,每年退出流畅的塑料袋数目

12 minutes - useful lifespan of average plastic bag 12分钟:塑料袋的平均使用寿命

英文开首:逐日电讯报 翻译&裁剪:丹妮翁雨澄 肛交